

Read the story again and answer these questions.
1 How did Scrooge change in the story?
2 Why did Marley want to help Scrooge?
3 Why was Scrooge unhappy when he saw his past?
4 Why was he sad when they visited the Cratchit family Christmas?
5 What did the Ghost of Christmas Future show Scrooge?
6 What did Scrooge do on Christmas Day and the day after?
7 What is the moral of this story? Do you agree with it?

Myślę że tekst nie jest potrzebny wystarczy znajomość lektury "Opowieść wigilijna" ​

Odpowiedź :


1. He changed to be open and kind person.

2.He wanted Scrooge to have a second chance in life.

3. He missed his childhood (tego nie wiem dokładnie bo nie pamientam z książki)

4. He realise how other people saw him and realise how hatefull and unwelcoming person he was.

5. They showed him his grave.

6.-----(nie pamientam sory)

7. I agree with the moral of this story which is that you should be

enjoying yourself and be kind to other people because we may regret it and never be able to change it even again.

sory że może nie być dobrze ale dawno mia) em tą lekture I nie wszystko mogę dobrze pamientać