
Zadanie 2. Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga! Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy, wliczając w to wyraz już podany.
2.1. The concert started and then we arrived at the auditorium. ALREADY
By the time we arrived at the auditorium, the concert…………………………..............................................................................…………
2.2. How long have you had this camera? WHEN …………………………..............................................................................………… buy this camera?
2.3. The courier arrived in the middle of my online history test. I
The courier arrived while …………………………..............................................................................………… my online history test.
2.4. I didn’t like volleyball before, but now it’s my favourite sport. TO
I didn’t use …………………………..............................................................................………… volleyball, but now it’s my favourite sport.
2.5. Did you enjoy playing boardgames when you were a child? KEEN …………………………..............................................................................………… on playing boardgames when you were a child?
2.6. Ken was too tired to play computer games last night. NOT
Ken …………………………..............................................................................………… computer games last night because he was too tired.

Odpowiedź :


2.1. The concert started and then we arrived at the auditorium. ALREADY

By the time we arrived at the auditorium, the concert had already started

2.2. How long have you had this camera? WHEN

When did you buy this camera?

2.3. The courier arrived in the middle of my online history test. I

The courier arrived while I was writing  my online history test.

2.4. I didn’t like volleyball before, but now it’s my favourite sport. TO

I didn’t use to like volleyball, but now it’s my favourite sport.

2.5. Did you enjoy playing boardgames when you were a child? KEEN

Were you keen on playing boardgames when you were a child?

2.6. Ken was too tired to play computer games last night. NOT

Ken did not play computer games last night because he was too tired.


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