
Pomocy praca domowa z ang.

Pomocy Praca Domowa Z Ang class=
Pomocy Praca Domowa Z Ang class=

Odpowiedź :


zad. 2

  1. Max designed his T-shirt himself
  2. Did you cook it yourself Sara?
  3. My parents made themselves
  4. They really like each other
  5. I always look at myself

zad. 1

  1. We're decorating our bathroom
  2. They need to get their laptop repaired
  3. I'll have your photo taken
  4. Lucy had her dress made
  5. Rob washes his car

zad. 2

  1. I took all these photos myself
  2. Maria hurt herself
  3. They aren't speaking to each other
  4. We really enjoyed ourselves
  5. You can all help yourselves


nie ma za co