
Napisz krotką biografię sławnej osoby.
1. Przedstaw tą osobę - imię nazwisko, pochodzenie,
itp. Dlaczego jest sławna.
2. Dzieciństwo - kiedy się urodziła, gdzie mieszkała,
kim byli rodzice, rodzeństwo, zwierzęta, gdzie
chodził/ła do szkoły itp.
3. Wczesna kariera - co i gdzie studiował /ła,
pierwsza praca, podróże, itp.
4. Późniejsze życie - żona/mąż, podróże, praca, co
zrobił/ła że odniósł /osła sukces, kiedy zmarł/ta, itp.
Pamietaj o poprawnej formie.​

Odpowiedź :

On December 26 of 1971, Jared Joseph Leto was born in Bossier City, Louisiana. He is an American actor, singer and composer. Also he is director, producer, activist, philanthropist, photographer and businessman.
Leto's parents divorced shortly after he was born and his mother, a traveling artist, raised him.
Constance Leto, mother of Jared and Shannon had joined the hippie movement and that is the reason that her kids had such an artistic influence. They were moving around a lot and they have met a lot of other cultures. He studied painting at University of the Arts Philadelphia's but he was transferred at the School of Visual Arts in New York to study acting.
He moved to Los Angeles in 1992 to pursue his career; he was looking for opportunities in both music and acting. The same year, he landed his first role in the television show ‘Camp Wilder.’
He formed a rock band 30 Seconds to Mars in 1998 along with his brother Shannon Leto, and recruited a few instrumentalists to complete the lineup. He served as the lead vocalist, songwriter and guitarist for the band. And has till date released five albums and sold over 10 million albums worldwide.
Over the years, Leto has certainly had his fair share of relationships—some in the spotlight, most of them kept very quiet. since 2015 when he reportedly met Russian model Valery Kaufman.

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