
Pomocy na jutro cała strona . Daje najjj

Pomocy Na Jutro Cała Strona Daje Najjj class=
Pomocy Na Jutro Cała Strona Daje Najjj class=
Pomocy Na Jutro Cała Strona Daje Najjj class=
Pomocy Na Jutro Cała Strona Daje Najjj class=
Pomocy Na Jutro Cała Strona Daje Najjj class=

Odpowiedź :


zad 1.

2. Can snakes swim?

No, they can't.

3. Can ostriches fly?

No, they can't.

4. Can frogs live on land?

Yes, they can.

5. Can tortioses live up to a 100?

Yes, they can.

6. Can foxes climb trees?

Yes, they can.

7. Can elephants jump?

No, they can't.

zad 2.








1A: Can

1B: can't

2. Can

3. May, Can


1. musn't

2. must

3. must

4. musn't

5. musn't, must

6. don't have to

zad. 5

B.Listen to me. We are going for a walk. You have to behave or we are going home.

C. You musn't swim here. There is a sign over there. It's too dangerous.

D. She can climb high. She is very high up. I would be scared!