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Hi Anna!

You won't believe what happened. Yesterday I had a date with this guy who I met on Snap. We met in a pizza restaurant because his mum works there so we could have pizza for free. I was really surprised when he texted me and suggested this date. So, everything was fine, we were chatting and laughing a lot when suddenly his mum came to our table and told him that their house had been broken into. Can you believe it? When Mark heard this, he went out of the restaurant without saying anytning. I didn't know what to do, so I went home. I texted Mark a few hours ago but he hasn't texted me back yet. On Snap I saw him in his flat with so many things on the floor, and generally a big mess everywhere so maybe he is depressed after this burglary. I don't know what to think. I feel sad.

Write what you think about this situation.



Hi Michael! Yesterday I was be in date. Jack invited me. He say ,, We can come to cafe” and I say ,,Yes, of course we can”. So we go to cafe at 11 am and he was buy everything what I wanted. When we end drink coffe, he said ,,We are going somewhere, but i can’t tell you where”. He was takes my hand and I don’t like it. But i’m too scared to said that to him. Turned out he led me to the meadow. We sit in grass and he said ,,I should say it to you. So… I love you”. In that moment I was too scared because I don’t love him. I said ,,I’m sorry Jack” and I was go to home. He said ,,No …, I must say sorry”. From that time he doesn’t message to me.
So yes. Have a great day Michael!

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