Pracujcie w grupach. Popatrzcie ponownie na ilustrację i napiszcie w zeszycie, w co są ubrani Olive, Trixie i Elliot. Plss pomóżcie bo na jutro.

Olive wears a pink dress, blue jacket, yellow baseball cap and sandals.
Trixie wears a white bow tie skirt, a red helmet with a camera, and booties.
Elliot is wearing a brown sweatshirt, gray pants, and red shoes.
Liczę na naj
Olive is wearing a blue hoodie on top of a pink dress. On her feet we can spot a red pair of sandals. Her head is covered with a yellow hat. There are a hair brush and a (nie widzę dokładnie co to) tied to her hat with a pink ribbon.
Trixie wears a buttoned white shirt with a dark blue skirt. Green shoes cover a pink pair of socks on her feet. On her head there is a red helmet with a lightning sign in the color yellow. There's a charger and a cabel tied to the helmet by some duct tape.
Elliot has an orange sweater and dark beige pants. He doesn't wear any hat but there is a pair of headphones resting on his neck. He carries an umbrella in the color blue. On his feet we see a red pair of shoes.
Nie wiem czy o to na pewno chodziło, jeżeli popełniłam jakiś błąd z góry przepraszam. Miłego wieczoru.