
Przetłumacz na angielski podane fragmenty zdań

The settings (zostały zmienione) on monday

this socket (używa się) for charging phones

the buttons (używa się) to restart the system

the virus (nie opisano) fully yet

is it a new species? when (opisano go) for the first time?

Odpowiedź :


The settings were changed on monday

This socket is used for charging phones

The buttons are used to restart the system

The virus isnt described fully yet

Is it a new species? When was it described for the first time?


1. The settings (were changed) on monday

2. this socket (is used) for charging phones

3. the buttons (are used) to restart the system

4. the virus (isn't described) fully yet

5. is it a new species? when (was it described) for the first time?