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Unusual Schools
At the Brooklyn Free School in New York students play a special role in learning. They create their own
timetable and decide on the subjects, skills and learning tools they want to learn and use. Students are in
charge of their learning while teachers are there to assist when asked. Students are free to learn in groups
or individually with high-tech learning tools.
It may look more like an office than a school with all its work stations, but the Carpe Diem School in
Arizona believes every student is different. Students work at their own private work stations, which have a
computer. Teachers move about the classroom checking in on each student as they work at their own
speed, taking as much time on each subject or skill as they need.
It looks like one huge classroom at Orestad School in Denmark. Students learn in a large open glass
building where they move from one space to another. There are circular areas with sofas and soft chairs
where they can sit alone or in groups to really think and apply their knowledge in new ways. Teachers
guide students as they design and think of new ideas as well as new solutions to problems.
In this school
1 teachers help students only when needed.
2 students develop strong creative thinking skills.
3 learning spaces are for individual students only.
4 students choose what and how they learn.