
3 Przeczytaj informacje o Chrisie Hoyu i napisz
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When and where was he born?
What Olympic medals did he win at
the London Olympics?
When did he start cycling? Where?
What other sports did he do at school?
What was his childhood dream?
Born: 23 March 1976, Scotland
Olympic medals: 1 gold medal
at the Athens Olympics in 2004;
3 gold medals at the Beijing
Olympics in 2008: 2 gold
medals at the London Olympics
in 2012
Career: started cycling at six
years old at a friend's house
Other sports when he was
at school: rugby, rowing
Childhood dream: to win
an Olympic gold medal

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Chris Hoy was born on 23rd March 1976 in Scotland. He won 2 gold medals at the London Olympics in 2012. He started cycling at six years old at a friend's house. When he was at school he played rugby and went rowing. His childhood dream was to win an Olympic medal.