Zad od 1 do 6 (daje naj)

Zadanie 1
1. they're
2. in
3. move
4. won't be
5. polluted
6. but
Zadanie 2
Zadanie 3
1b. there was
2a. the fifth floor
2b. five floors
3a. is it looking
3b. it looks
Zadanie 4
1. flats are
2. people were there
3. lives close to
4. angry at me
5. hate waiting for
Zadanie 5
1. There's a big tree on top of the house.
2. A women is running in the park.
3. On the right, i see a table and two chairs.
Zadanie 6
1. men
2. corridor (nie jestem pewna)
3. lifting albo holding
4. stairs
5. big