
Przetłumaczy ktoś to na angielski? Błagam

1.W te wakacje przyjechała do mnie rodzina z Stanów (ciocia, wujek i ich kuzyn).

2. Ja razem z bratem wymyśliliśmy plan letni, który bardzo się wszystkim spodobał.

3. Najpierw pojechaliśmy na koncert zespołu rockowego o nazwie C.N.Blue (Code Name Blue).

4. Mój wujek nie lubi rocka, ale powiedział, że bardzo mu się spodobały niektóre piosenki (nawet dodał je do swojej playlisty).

5. Parę dni później poszliśmy na lekcje jazdy konnej, moja mama patrzyła na nas parę metrów dalej, ponieważ boi się koni.

6. Moja mama, z ciocią i wujkiem poszli do muzeum, my natomiast (ja, brat, kuzyn) graliśmy cały dzień w gry i jedliśmy słodycze.

7. W między czasie poleciłam mojej cioci parę książek, jedną z nich była "Almond - ten, który nie czuł" (Won Pyung-Sohn) oraz "Iluzjonista" (Remigiusz Mróz). Obie polubiła.

8. Wspólnie jeszcze zwiedziliśmy miasto, pływaliśmy na kajakach i statkiem. ​

Odpowiedź :


1.On this holiday came to me a family from the United States (aunt, uncle and their cousin).

2. My brother and I came up with a summer plan that everyone loved.

3. First we went to a concert of a rock band called C. N. blue (code name Blue).

4. My uncle doesn't like rock, but he said he really liked some of the songs (he even added them to his playlist).

5. A few days later we went to horse riding lessons, and my mom was looking at us a few meters away because she's afraid of horses.

6. My mother, aunt and uncle went to the museum, while we (me, brother, cousin) played games all day and ate sweets.

7. In the meantime, I recommended a few books to my aunt, one of them was" Almond - the one who did not feel "(won pyung-Sohn) and" the illusionist " (Remigius frost). She liked them both.

8. Together we also toured the city, kayaking and sailing.


1.This summer I had a family visit from the States (an aunt, uncle and their cousin).

2.My brother and I came up with a summer plan that everyone really enjoyed.

3.First we went to a concert by a rock band called C.N.Blue (Code Name Blue).

4. My uncle doesn't like rock, but he said he really liked some of the songs (he even added them to his playlist).

5. A few days later we went to horse riding lessons, my mother looked at us a few metres away because she is afraid of horses.

6 My mother, with my aunt and uncle went to the museum, while we (me, my brother, my cousin) played games and ate sweets all day.

7. In the meantime, I recommended a couple of books to my aunt, one of which was "Almond - the one who did not feel" (Won Pyung-Sohn) and "The Illusionist" (Remigiusz Mróz). She liked them both.

8. Together we explored the city, went kayaking and boating.