
Read the writing task. Copy the chart into your notebook and complete the questions and the information. OPEN TASK Twój kolega z Anglii został zaproszony na uroczystość weselną w Polsce. w liście do kolegi: • poradz mu, jak powinien się ubrać na ślub; • wyjaśnij , jak zwykle przebiega uroczystość weselna; • przypomnij koledze, że powinien kupić prezent ślubny i zaproponuj swój pomysł. List powinien zawierać od 50 do 120 stów. Questions to ask and answer Your notes 1 What kind ... Should ... 2 What things ... 3 What kind ... How much

Read The Writing Task Copy The Chart Into Your Notebook And Complete The Questions And The Information OPEN TASK Twój Kolega Z Anglii Został Zaproszony Na Urocz class=

Odpowiedź :

Dear Friend

Thanks for your letter. I am glad that you are going to Poland for a weeding. I hope that we will meet.

Polish weeding are really official so you should wear a suit. Usually the wedding starts with the bride and groom's first dance. When they finish people sit down at the table. After meals and toasts people are starting to dance. You will see it will be a good time. You will not be bored. Remeber to buy a gift for the bride and groom.

Let me know when you come to Poland exactly. We are in touch.

Take care.