
Ułóż zdania z każdym z tych czasowników w jednym trybie
Np. Drink drank drunk
I drink coffe whith Milk today.
I drank coffe in the restaurant yesterday.
I had drunk coffe 3 years ago.
Fall fell Fallen
think thought thought
Lose. Lost. Lost
Fly flew. flown
Steal stole. stole
Spend Spent Spent
Hurt. hurt hurt
Sweep swept swept
hold. held held
Forgive. forgove. Forgiven
Lend. lent. lent
Shine. Shone. Shone
Hit. Hit Hit
Bring brought brought
Born burnt. burnt​

Odpowiedź :


My friend Fall asleep while watching TV.

I think, I will dye my hair.

I Lost my phone.

Birds can Fly very high.

My mom call the police, because someone Stole her vallet.

I spent really good time with my friends.

My head hurt, so i will go to the doctor.

I had to swept the floor, because my mom made me do it.

I need to hold my sister's hand while crossing the streat.

I don't know if i can forgive my best friend.

I lent my sister, my favourite book.

My mom's ring shine so pretty.

A girl from my class hit me so i will tell the teacher.

Tommorow we can bring our favourite books to school.

I burnt my old clothes.