
Co mogła bym tutaj poprawić? Wszystko jest okej czy raczej powinnam inaczej napisać? Proszę o pomoc :)

It was May 26, 2021, the second day of the trip and we were going to giewnot. When we got to where we were supposed to start our journey, one of the guides told us not to go in as there was a thunderstorm coming but we didn't listen and we started going upstairs. After a few hours, we finally reached the top, heard screams and lightning, the sky was very dark, and when lightning appeared on it, it turned almost white. We were all scared and started running, but still people screamed, we didn't know what was happening, when we were almost downstairs and the storm died down, we saw the rescue helicopter. It turned out that two boys from another trip fell from quite a height and were injured. Luckily, nothing happened to anyone on our trip and everything was fine.