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napisz 5 zdań o swoim wymarzonym świecie niepodległości

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The dream world of independence.

Ever since I can remember, I wanted peace in the world. Unfortunately, some people are unable to be positive about certain things. I always listen carefully to past events in history lessons, and they always made me feel depressed. My dream is that there will be no wars in the world, no uprisings and that people will be able to resolve conflicts not by force, but by conversation. Wars only cause losses to the population and material. They don't lead to anything good.

My dream Independence Day is a myth because I have never dreamt of this holiday, so it is difficult for me to write what this dream holiday would be. It is noteworthy that it is probably the only holiday on which we celebrate our victories rather than our defeats. All other national holidays are about the cult of defeat. I think this holiday is well celebrated and I have not noticed anything that could be changed about it. Maybe I would change the course of school appeals because every year it is the same and basically repeating the same pompous content, which we know by heart, does not add much to our lives.