Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Zadanie 1 strona 138 Focus 2 Second Edition

W tym zadaniu musimy uzupełnić drugie zdanie tak, żeby miało to samo znaczenie, co pierwsze.
1. The doctor told me that I was allergic to cats.
2. Daisy told us that she had come in spots after using that cream.
3. John said that he couldn't work out how to open the bottle of medicine.
4. Adam told Magda that she had lost a lot of weight.
5. Morris told me that he practised meditation to reduce stress.
6. Tracy told me that she didn't work out enough.
7. Richard said that he wasn't taking up tennis.
8. Phil told us that he had had a runny nose.
Mowy zależnej używamy, kiedy chcemy powiedzieć, co ktoś inny powiedział. Zastosujemy wtedy tak zwany backshift of tenses, czyli cofniemy się o jeden czas. Na przykład:
Present Simple - Past Simple
Present Continuous - Past Continuous
will - would
Na przykład:
"I'm doing my homework," Jenny said. - Jenny said that she was doing her homework.