
Pliss na poniedziałek!!!!

Uzupelnij dialogi. Wpisz w każda lukę brakujący fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzymac spójne i logiczne teksty. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku anglelskim. Uwaga! W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
X: What ______on Jason?
Y: I'm really into computer programming at the moment. It's not easy but it's so much fun!
X: What's______with Joe? He seems really upset.
Y: He's lost his mobile phone. He can't find it anywhere.
X: l'd like to cook dinner for my girlfrlend but I have no idea what to prepare.
Y: Well, what _______to eat?
X:I'm not sure. We've only known each other for a month.
X: Could you turn the music off, please?
I can't______that noise any longer!
Y: Sure, sorry.
X: I didn't know that your little brother can already walk!_________he?
Y: He's nearly one. His birthday is next week. X: Why are you crying, Donna?
Y: My grandma passed away last night.
X: Oh, dear. I'm so_______ hear that!