1. Przeczytaj zdania i wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.
Example: There (is / are/was) were) an enormous
villa on the corner many years ago. But it was empty –
nobody lived there.
1. I arrived early. The roads were busy, but there
(was / wasn't/ were / weren't) a traffic jam.
2. (Is / Isn't/ Are / Aren't) there any skyscrapers in
3. Cycling in my town is dangerous. There (are /
aren't/ were / weren't) any cycle paths.
4. I went into town yesterday, but it was very
crowded. There (was / wasn't/ were / weren't) a lot
of people in the streets.
5. Oh look! A new block of flats. (Is / Are / Wasn't/
Were) there a mansion here before?