Proszę o pomoc w wykonaniu zadań ze strony ze zdjęcia.

1 We are going to bring some music
2 He is going to blow some balloons
3 You are going to dance and rap
4 They are going to watch some cartoons
5 We are going to eat some ice cream
6 He is going to show us some tricks
7 She is going to bring some popcorn
zad 2
1 The girl is going to jump into the river
2 Jack's parents are not going to buy a new car
3 You are going to win the game
4 Miss Idea is not going to give her students homework
5 I am not going to worry
6 Everything is going to be ok
7 We are not going to leave the dog alone in the streets
8 Mike is going to take it home
zad 3
1 around
2 in
3 about
4 in
5 for
6 by
7 to
8 at