5 Complete the conversation with the missing words. Circle the correct options.
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INTERVIEWER Hello and welcome. We've got some great music for you today, but most talented young singers, Lexi West, is in the recording studio. Welcome to London, Lexil that one of our Thanks! It's great to be here. Actually, 1 a house in the city. It's all very new and exciting for me! INTERVIEWER Yeah? Where 3 live? You were born in Scotland, right? But of course you" all over the world. That's right.rs back from New York, but while and working abroad, didn't have my own place. I with my parents, INTERVIEWER Was there a lot of music in your home when you Lexi? I believe your father songs for you. LEXI Yes, that's right. My dad was definitely my inspiration, but he was also very sensible. on TV as a teenager, but he never let me miss school! I still" his advice: it's OK to be ambitious but don't get impatient! INTERVIEWER Well, Lexi, you 12 three number one hits, so you didn't have to wait very long to be famous!
10. 1 a 've still heard 2 a didn't buy 3 a did you use to 4 a haven't travelled 5 a was coming 6 a was singing 7 a didn't use to 8 a have grown up 9 a has just written 10 a performing 11 a used to forget 12 a 've already had b haven't heard b 've just bought b were you used to b 've travelled b have already come b wasn't singing b was living b grew up b didn't use to write b was performing b was forgetting b haven't had c've just heard c was just buying C use you to c weren't travelling c've just come c used to sing c haven't lived c were growing up c used to write c have just performed c haven't forgotten c were having