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When my granddad and his cousin ----------- seven years old, they had quite an adventure! The day was beautiful, it was --------- and a bit windy. They found a boat that was ----------- of wood and decided to go to the other side of the lake. The boat was really old and it ----------- about ten meters away from the shore. That was quite unfortunate because my granddad’s cousin couldn’t swim! Luckily, the paddles were ------------ on the water, so he was able to hold on to -------- and swim back. I have never done anything so exciting. The scariest experience I’ve ever had was getting lost among the bushes in our garden!

Odpowiedź :


When my granddad and his cousin 1. were seven years old, they had quite an adventure! The day was beautiful, it was 2. sunny and a bit windy. They found a boat that was 3. made of wood and decided to go to the other side of the lake. The boat was really old and it 4. sank about ten meters away from the shore. That was quite unfortunate because my granddad’s cousin couldn’t swim! Luckily, the paddles were 5. floating on the water, so he was able to hold on to 6. them and swim back. I have never done anything so exciting. The scariest experience I’ve ever had was getting lost among the bushes in our garden!


Kiedy mój dziadek i jego kuzyn mieli po siedem lat, przeżyli niezłą przygodę! Dzień był piękny, słoneczny i trochę wietrzny. Znaleźli łódź, która była zrobiona z drewna i postanowili przepłynąć na drugą stronę jeziora. Łódka była naprawdę stara i zatonęła około dziesięciu metrów od brzegu. To było dość niefortunne, ponieważ kuzyn mojego dziadka nie umiał pływać! Na szczęście wiosła unosiły się na wodzie, więc mógł się ich chwycić i popłynąć z powrotem. Nigdy nie robiłem czegoś tak ekscytującego. Najstraszniejsze doświadczenie, jakie kiedykolwiek miałam, to zgubienie się wśród krzaków w naszym ogrodzie!

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