Hej mam ułożyć podobny tekst jak tutaj na zdjęciu klasa 5 i tu trzeba ułożyć w taki podobny sposób zdania tylko o swoim wybranym zawodzie w przyszłości ja chcę zostać policjantka jeśli ktoś może ułożyć zdania to bardzo proszę
I want to be a police officer, because I want to help people. I want to work at police station. I want to ride a police car. My dad is a police officer too. I want to be just like him. Mam nadzieje, ze pomoglam :)
I want to be a surgeon because I want to save lifes people. I want to work in hospital in a big city so I can help more people than I would help in small village. I want to help not only poles but for foreigners too, so I study English. My mom is a surgeon and after work she tells me about her day in work. She even bought me a game named “operation” so I can practice and I really like it!