3 How many types of potato did Ireland send?
B 302
6 Where is the bank?
A in Sweden
in Norway
Read about the biggest seed collection in the world and answer the questions below.
There are seed banks all around Tree seeds are an important
the world, and most specialise
checked every 10 years. If they
part of the MSB collection.
in different types of seeds.
germinate, then the seeds are
There are 60,000 species of OK. So far, all the seeds are
Svalbard, for example, specialises trees in the world; more than in good condition.
in keeping the seeds of crops 8,000 of them are endangered,
and other kinds of food.
The MSB tries to collect large
and more than 1,000 are almost
amounts of each seed. When
The largest seed bank of all,
extinct. The seeds of these
they have enough seeds, the
the Millennium Seed Bank
trees and other plants are
start to distribute them.
(MSB) in England, wants to
collected by scientists all over The seeds are sent whereve
collect the seeds of all
the world. Thanks to these
they are needed - usually
the plants in the world that
scientists, the seeds of 11,000
plants are becoming extir
are in danger of extinction. types of trees have been added
because of global warmir
To do this, the MSB works
to the MSB collection. In years or habitat destruction.
with more than 100 organisations
to come, thousands more types
The Millennium Seed Ba
of seeds will be added.
in 95 countries around the
is located in a beautiful
world. So far, more than
The MSB hopes that the seeds park in south-east Eng
2 billion seeds have been added will still germinate after
You can visit it and lea
about the valuable w
to the MSB collection.
hundreds of years. To make sure
this happens, the seeds are is being done there
1 How many types of trees are there in the world?
3 How many seeds were there in the bank
the text was written?
4 How often do scientists test the seeds?
2 How many types of trees are very close to extinction?
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