
Czy muzyka odgrywa istotna rolę w życiu nastolatka napisz artykuł do gazetki szkolnej w którym odpowiesz na to pytanie, wykorzystując w swojej argumentacji własne doświadczenia. Min 100 słów po ang fast XD

Odpowiedź :

Hi everyone
Perssonaly i think music is one of the most importat in our life music can HELP in many aspect for example if you have a party you must have some music or go on concert and in this case you are schowing your self or enother example if you are sad there is good opction to listem to something happy nit sad because it make us more miseribles and if you are singing or playing an instrument music is extremly important without if you cant develop , music HELP us in maths my violin teacher always tell me that maths and music have many things in comonn Are you plaing an instrument or sing?What do you think is music important or rather not? Dobra robiłam to na szybko i nie sprawdziłam wienc sorry jeśli są blendy