
Napisz maila o swoich zainteresowaniach/pasje (moje to motoryzacja rowery gry)

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Hello (osoba której chcesz wysłąćmaila np. Peter)

Today i want to tell you about my hobbies, that's so interesting, i gonna write why i realy like them.

The first hobby of my list is bike, i love go downhill of big mountain, i like ride in the forest, and in town with my friends and family.

The second thing i love to do is motorization. Im so excited when i see a cool car, my favourite one is (podaj nazwe samochodu), its very nice, apart from cars i like motorbikes too, i remember when i saw first time motorbike, i was so happy and excited to see this very importad thing. I wrote importad, beacuse that was realy cool experience for me, i was 3 years old then.

Next third hobby of my list is computer games,  i like them because im fascinated when im playing alone or with my friends, when im playing alone im so concentrated of game, but if im playing with friends, its so funny! everyone are laughing because of nothing. Sometimes im angry playing games but i have big fun playing video games.

Thats all what i want do say, im waiting for your mail! Goodbye!

                                                                                              (podpis-twoje imie)