
Wykonaj zadanie w sekcji Skills Booster. Skills Booster Wykorzystując podane wyrazy, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką tak, aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (1-5). Nie zmieniaj formy podanych słów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. 1 My son came to collect me at the airport. PICKED I was the airport by my son. 2 Thad to leave the train because it had broken down. GET The train broke down, so I had 3 It wasn't nice of Terry to leave in his car without saying bye. OFF I felt bad when Terry his car without saying bye. 4 Our dog jumped into our neighbour's car and didn't want to leave it. OUT We couldn't force our dog to our neighbour's car. 5 I was almost late for work but my friend left me at the office in his car just in time. OFF Thanks to my friend, who at the office, I got to work on time.​

Wykonaj Zadanie W Sekcji Skills Booster Skills Booster Wykorzystując Podane Wyrazy Uzupełnij Każde Zdanie Z Luką Tak Aby Zachować Sens Zdania Wyjściowego 15 Nie class=

Odpowiedź :

1. I was picked up from the airport by my son.

2. The train broke down, so I had to get out.

3. I felt bad when Terry got out off his car without saying goodbye.

4. We couldn't force our dog to get out of our neighbour's car.

5. Thanks to my friend, who left me off at the office, I got to work on time.
