
Przekształć zdania ze strony czynnej na bierną.
Użyj podkreślonego wyrażenia jako podmiotu
nowego zdania.
1 Does she create a new folder for each subject?
Is a new folder created for each subject?
2 Do you always switch off the TV at night?
3 The police have arrested three hackers.
4 Did British archaeologists find the remains of King
Richard III in Leicester?
5 They won't publish my article about Copernicus.
6 Have they constructed the new bridge yet?

Przekształć Zdania Ze Strony Czynnej Na Bierną Użyj Podkreślonego Wyrażenia Jako Podmiotu Nowego Zdania 1 Does She Create A New Folder For Each Subject Is A New class=

Odpowiedź :

2. Is the TV always switched off at night?

3. Three hackers have been arrested by the police.

4. Were the reamains of King ... found by British archeogists?

5.My article about Copernicus won't be published.

6. Has the new bridge been constructed yet?