
Choose and complete with the past simple or the past continuous.
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carry go play run sit start
Harry was at Peter's house yesterday. The two boys
were in Peter's room. They were playing a computer
game when Mrs Hardy. Peter's mum, opened the door.
Dinner's ready!" she said. When Peter and Harry
to the kitchen, Lucy was putting the plates
on the table. Harry?
down at the table.
Mrs Hardy filled a big bowl with spaghetti and
tomato sauce and gave it to Peter. While he ...
the bowl to the table, Peter tripped and the bowl flew
into the air. Unfortunately, the spaghetti landed on
Harry went to his house next door and changed
clothes, but it wasn't his lucky day! While he was walking
back to Peter's house, it 5 .... to rain. He didn't
have an umbrella so he ran back to his house. While he
he slipped and fell into a pool of muddy

Choose And Complete With The Past Simple Or The Past Continuous 2 0 0 Carry Go Play Run Sit Start Harry Was At Peters House Yesterday The Two Boys Were In Peter class=