
Napisz zdania w formie twierdzącej (+) lub przeczącej (-) zgodnie ze znakami znajdującymi się przed zdaniem.


1. There's some ham in the fridge.

(-) There isn't any ham in the fridge.

2. There are some raspberries in our garden.

(-) There.......................................................................

3. I didn't have a sandwich for breakfast.

(+) I.........................................................................

4. There isn't any sugar in my coffee.

(+) There...........................................................

5. I didn't eat any crisps yesterday.

(+) I ...............................................................

Odpowiedź :

2. There aren’t any raspberries in our garden
3. I had a sandwich for breakfast
4. There is some sugar in my coffee
5. I ate some crisps yesterday


2. There aren't raspberries in out garden.

3. I have a sandwich for breakfast

4. There was a sugar in my coffe

5. I eat a crips yesterday.

nie jestem pewna, ale według mnie tak powinno być.
