
Ułóż zdanie z:
• take care of pets,
• be interested in sth,
• be keen on sth,
• be up to sth,
• introduce yourself,
• ask for money,
• fall out with,
• get on sb’s nerves,
• find out

Odpowiedź :


1. It's very important to take good care of your pets.

2. Mary is very interested in horse back riding.

3. David was very keen on doing the school project with Arthur.

4. Are you up to something tommorow?

5. Can you introduce yourself?

6. If you're in need, don't ever be afraid to ask me for money!

7. I fall out with Mary, she's very annoying.

8. Caroline is really getting on my nerves lately.

9. Yesterday I found out my parents are getting divorced.


mam nadzieję że o to chodziło <333