
Twój angielski przyjaciel jest zdenerwowany, ponieważ jego dziewczyna zerwała z nim. Bądź współczujący i udzielaj rad. Używajcie RAD proszę, czyli np. suń jej zdjęcia i numer. Napisz e-mail.

Proszę to do jutra do 6.50

Odpowiedź :



Hi my friend,

I hear you're alone again. I'm so sorry for your loss. It must be very hard. I know you were in the relationship for a few years. As they say a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and be sure the weakest one was not you. Knowing that adversity and loss make a man wise, you can look around and cheer up, at least a bit. You won't make the same mistake again. So in fact instead of being depressed be grateful that it happened now, not years later. Now you know that all that glitters is not gold.

I think you should take up some physical activities. What about running with me every day, or at least every second day? It could help. You may also spend some time with your old friends, go to the cinema to watch a comedy or a good thriller (no romantic films of course). And don't forget to delete the pictures with your ex, or at least make them hidden, unless you like torture yourself.

By the way, Maggie is looking for someone to go with her to her cousin's party. I thought you could get some relax with her, couldn't you?

Write back or call me just to talk
