prosze!!! nie rozumiem a za niedlugo wychodze, POMOCY!

1. The Emperor promised his tailors a lot of money.
Did the Emperor promise his tailors a lot of money?
The Emperor didn't promise his tailors a lot of money.
2. The Emperor made a big mistake.
Did the Emperor make a big mistake?
The Emperor didn't make a big mistake.
3. He was a proud man.
Was he a proud man?
He was not a proud man.
4. Gulliver fell into the sea.
Did Gulliver fall into the sea?
Gulliver didn't fall into the sea.
5. The Lilliput were scared.
Were the Lilliput scared?
The Lilliput weren't scared.
W tym zadaniu trzeba tak przeredagować podane zdanie, by uzyskać pytanie, na które mozna odpowiedzieć tak/nie oraz przeczenie.