
proszę jak najszybciej ​

Proszę Jak Najszybciej class=

Odpowiedź :

1 Zadanie

1.3. David is not AN actor

1.6. Why is Anne in Belgium

1.9 first

1.10 nie rozumiem za bardzo ale chyba powinno byc What, moze?

How many pasowaloby gdyby byloby to How many Famous European Universities are there/here?

2 Zadanie

2. How are you?

3. I'm from Belgium

4. Is a

5. Where is

6. Are (Nie mam pewnosci)

7.  Thanks

8.  Are you  (Nie mam pewnosci)

9. Nice

10.  is not/isn't

11. The

3 Zadanie

The first man is from poland, the second one is from China.

What's your name?

Daniel is famous

Is Maria fast?

Where are you right now?

That boy is from England

Famous European University

Six apples and two hours

They aren't polish

Two churches in Australia