
Zadanie 4.
Przeczytaj teksty dotyczące trzech wynalazków oraz zamieszczone poniżej zdania 1-.
Do każdego zdania dopasuj właściwy tekst. Jeden tekst pasuje do dwóch zdań,
Three New Inventions
Some new inventions are mind-blowing and some are just... fun. Like the "levitating light
bulbs", for example. The main novelty about them is that they actually levitate. Which
means they give light even though they seem to float in the air! However, they are also
very durable - they can work for over ten years.
Don't you just hate it when you are wearing a jacket and you're still cold? Or when the
weather suddenly changes and you start to sweat? Here's a perfect invention for you:
a jacket that heats up and cools down depending on the weather! It's just a genius idea,
isn't it? And it looks very nice, too!
Who doesn't like to copy and paste text, right? But now, with the new "Copy & Paste" device
you will be able to print anything you find on the internet in your own notebook - and you
C. will be able to do it immediately, without sending files to the printer. "Copy & Paste" is a small
portable device that looks like a shower head: you first use it to scan something and then put
it onto a piece of paper to paste the text or image you scanned. Brilliant!
1. This invention can last for a long time.
2. This invention is very fashionable.
This invention looks unusual.
4. This invention helps you save time.

Zadanie 4 Przeczytaj Teksty Dotyczące Trzech Wynalazków Oraz Zamieszczone Poniżej Zdania 1 Do Każdego Zdania Dopasuj Właściwy Tekst Jeden Tekst Pasuje Do Dwóch class=