Odpowiedź :
Wstawisz proszę całe, bo chyba kawałek ucięło?
Z informacji, które są tu podane udało mi się napisać to.
Hi Lisa,
thanks for your last e-mail. I hope you're doing OK. I would like to tell you about my new friend/friend/brother/uncle (zależy od całkowitej treści zadania) Mark.
He's quite tall and fit. He have dark brown eyes and even darker shoulder-lengh wavy hair. He's also a little tan. He likes to wear fancy clothes like jackets with ties or bowties and pretty trousers with a matching belt.
He really likes to read and study maths and chemistry. He's not really into sports, but he quite enjoys playing table tennis.
We usually meet on weekends and play some board games or just talk to each other. Sometimes we study together in the library.
I must go now. Can't wait a hearing from you