
Napisz email do koleżanki z anglii o tym ,że spotkałeś ciekawą osobę na siłowni.
*w jakich okolicznościach się poznaliście
*opisz jego/jej wygląd zewnętrzny i cechy charakteru
* jakie macie plany na weekend.
Proszę o jakieś przykładowe,ponieważ nie wiem jak się za to zabrać.

Odpowiedź :


Yesterday in the gym i met an interesting girl. I was lifting weights when i saw her. She went up to me and asked if i needed help. She had blonde hair in a ponytail and had a good shape. She was really nice. We started talking and got to know eachother. She told me she goes to the gym everyday, and eats healthy. We decided to meet up and go for a run in the weekend.



Hi my dear english friend !

    Last week I've found a very strange but interesting person while doing push-ups in the gym.

She was wearing nothing out of ordinary but her makeup... It was so funny I couldnt resist and went to ask her if she wanted a photo. We've took 3 photos in total and after that she asked me if I do mind joining her in lunch.

   I've ordered steak with fries and she ordered spaghetti. Nothing wrong right ? That's what you've might tought but not with that girl, she ordered spaghetti without tomatos (only meat and some spices). I was completly shocked but it was quite a fun expierience. So anway, after taking for long two hours, we've exchanged our phone numbers and socials too.

    For the next weekend we're going out to eat lunch together and just go around city just for fun. It's going to be a good weekend !

Greetings *twoje imie*



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