
Przeczytaj uważnie tekst, z którego usunięto 6 zdań. Wpisz w wyznaczone miejsca (1-6) litery (A-H) odpowiadające brakującym zdaniom. Dwa zdania nie pasują do żadnej luki.


They drive slowly. They don't use social media. They don't listen to rap or ride hoverboards. They are so different from you that they seem like they are from another planet. 1. _______

Old people are time travellers.

It's true. When an eighty-year-old person was a child, there were no smartphones, no Internet, no satell tes, no remotes or other small tools you use every day. Eighty years ago, lots of people still didn't have ball-point pens or telephones. Talking to an old person you can talk to someone who lived there and therefore you can see into the past. How did they meet with friends without mobile phones? What was life like without TV? How did they listen to music? An old person can take you back to a different time and a different world. 2.________

You are travelling with them.

Old people have learned to live with the hard parts of life. They may not know how to fix computers infected with a virus. 3._________ Old people have had their hearts broken and survived. They've lost loved ones and dear friends. Most of them have moved from their home to somewhere else. They've been hurt, bullied, insulted and had to struggle in life. No matter what you are feeling, an old person can help.

Old people know stuff you don't.

Remember, every life is different, meaning that every old person has different information in their head. 4. Do you need to put a wheel on a toy? Ask an older person. If you don't know how to sew on a button, an old person can probably help. How to make pickles? Where is the oil in a car? When you have a question, ask an old person. You could learn a lot.

Old people can help you make big decisions.

Old people have made countless choices during their lives. Some of those choices were positive. Some were not. 5. What do they regret? They can help you make better decisions so that when you are an old person, you'll be happier. That is your future. Yes, if you take care of yourself, you will someday be an old person. 6. By talking and getting to know older people, you see into the future: your future. Why not take a look?

A. However, they can help repair human problems.
B. They are especially keen on travelling abroad.
C. Ask an old person about those good and bad decisions.
D. So why should you get to know them or talk to them?
E. Still, older people may know things that solve little problems you have.
F. They need support and special medical care.
G. You will see the world and life change in ways that you cannot imagine.
H. When they talk about the world of their youth, they are travelling through time.​

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1 D. So why should you get to know them or talk to them?

2 H. When they talk about the world of their youth, they are travelling through time.​

3 A. However, they can help repair human problems.

4 E. Still, older people may know things that solve little problems you have.

5 C. Ask an old person about those good and bad decisions.

6 G. You will see the world and life change in ways that you cannot imagine.