
Napisz recenzje filmu(jakikolwiek) z użyciem wyrazów who,which wher min 3 razy​

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I will be reviewing the movie 'Hobbit'. The movie starts off by introducing Bilbo, who is the main character, which lives in a small house in a village, where everyone knows eachother. A few hours pass, and Gandalf the wizzard visits Bilbo. We can see it in a scene where the wizzard puts a weird sign on the hobbit's door. Next morning, Bilbo who has just woken up was very confused. He then was assigned to a mission, which was extremely fun. We saw beautiful icelandic landscapes where the movie was filmed and more! Bilbo then finds a magical ring, which could give him powers like no one else holds. Overall, I have found the movie very interesting and funny, with all the comedic bits of it. I'd reccomend it to anyone who likes adventure movies!