
prosze o pomoc w napisaniu e-mailu

Napisz e-mail do anglojęzycznego przyjaciela w którym
-przedstawisz się
-opiszesz typowy dzień na tygodniu
-powiesz co lubisz robić w weekendy​

limit 50-150 słów

Odpowiedź :



Me name is (np.) Klara. I am (np.) 16 years old. I have got very intrested live, so I write about my day for you. I get up 7 o' clock and I do my morning routine; eat breakfast, clean my teeth, get dressed, comb my hair and take a shower and I go to school at 7.50 . After I go to the school and I meet my frends. In the school I eat dinner around 1 p.m. In the evening I study and I go to training. I spend time with my family on the weekends. And if I have a lot of learning, I learn. What is your week like?


Hello! My name is np. Julka. I’m np. 13. Every morning I get up at 7:00 o’clock. I have breakfast. Then I get dressed. I go for a walk with my family. We like sports. I love play volleyball. Then we have dinner at home or restaurant. I often make pesto pasta. Sometimes on Saturdays we have a pyjama party. In the evening I watch TV with my family. I love days like this <3 Taki długi tekst ale mi się podoba hah