
Present simple affirmative and negative​

Present Simple Affirmative And Negative class=

Odpowiedź :


ex 4

2) Tom's parent's don't live in New York

3) My brother doesn't eat pizza - mój brat nie jada pizzy

4) Our teacher doesn't work on Sundays - Nasz nauczyciel nie pracuje w niedziele

5) My parents don't like Lady Gaga - moi rodzice nie lubią Lady Gagi

6) Sam doesn't speak Chinese

7) We don't like Elizabeth's friends

ex 5

2) My dad doesn't work in a hotel

3) My friends don't like sport

4) My best friend doesn't speak Japanese

5) We don't go to school on Saturdays

6) My brother has not a guitar lessons

7) My grandmother doesn't watch TV all day


1) My sister studies art

2) My brother plays in the school volleyball team - mój brat gra w szkolnym klubie siatkarskim

3) I get up early on Mondays - wstaję wcześnie co poniedziałek

4) I go to Spanish school - chodzę do hiszpańskiej szkoły

5) My mum speaks German - moja mama mówi po niemiecku

6) My dad works at the butcher's - mój tata pracuje w sklepie mięsnym
