
Wpisz a, an, any, some
1.No,they aren't watching....... video they are doing...... homework
2.The police an wears..... blue uniform and...... boots
3.Excuse me, is there...... co piter free?
4.She's Got......... a gry dog and...... lovely cat
5.There wasn't.......... money for me. My father gave....... coins.
6 She didn't Get........ Letters from her friend
7 His boyfriend was..... ugly person
8 I watched.......... extraordinary event at the cirus
9............ short stories were really funny
10.I didn't have........ ice cream. I had..... crips
11.She said It was........ easy exercise
12.My Mother didn't give me......... help with my homework
13.Thers is....... mosquito in my bedroom
14 We were looking for...... fingerprints
15My father cooked....... strawberry cake
16.The strong man won.......... sumo competition
17............ Scottish girl played the pipes
18This is......... special metod to freeze food
19We write......... postcard and put it in...... envelope
20Matilda milked....... cows and Fed..... robbits
21.There wasn't.......... Time to finish the project