
2 Wstaw brakujące litery.
2.1. I was truly _p _ _ t to hear that she was ill.
2.2. How many in _ _ b _ t _ n _ s are there in your town?
2.3. I couldn’t be more _ m _ _ r _ a _ s _ d when it turned out that I’d forgotten about his birthday.
2.4. This room is so small – I was actually hoping for something more s _ _ c _ o _ s.
2.5. Both of my grandmothers are now in a n _ r _ i _ g home.
2.6. It’s going to take a lot of time and money to m _ _ n _ a _ n this hut in a good condition.
2.7. All I need in the bedroom is an old-fashioned chest of _ r _ w _ _ s to store my clothes.
2.8. I’d like to buy something f _ _ _ i _ n _ b _ e for the party on Friday.

Odpowiedź :

2.1. I was truly upset to hear that she was ill.

2.2. How many inhabitants are there in your town?

2.3. I couldn’t be more embarrassed when it turned out that I’d forgotten about his birthday.

2.4. This room is so small – I was actually hoping for something more spacious.

2.5. Both of my grandmothers are now in a nursing home.

2.6. It’s going to take a lot of time and money to maintain this hut in a good condition.

2.7. All I need in the bedroom is an old-fashioned chest of drawers to store my clothes.

2.8. I’d like to buy something fashionable for the party on Friday.