Konstrukcja have got
Zadanie 1
Jack: Hi, Ryan. Have you got a hoodie?
Ryan: Yes, I have. Why?
Jack: It's really cold and I haven't got my jacket. It's at home!
Emma: I've got my hat and sunglasses. I'm ready to go to the beach.
Naomi: But it's cloudy and wet! Have you got an umbrella?
Emma: No, I haven't. Oh, I hate this weather!
Jack: Emma, has Naomi got a scarf?
Emma: No, she hasn't. She lives in South Africa. It's hot and sunny there.
Jack: Have we got any scarves? It's freezing outside!
Emma: Yes, we have. Here you are.
Konstrukcja have got
- określa posiadanie czegoś
- dla 3 osoby liczby pojedynczej używamy czasownika has got, a dla pozostałych have got
- pytania tworzymy poprzez inwersję, czyli czasownik have/has idzie na początek np. Have you got a scarf?
- przeczenie tworzymy poprzez dodanie słowa not do czasownika have/has np. I haven't (have not) got a scarf.