
Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasie. W każdą lukę wpisz maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.
1. We (nigdy nie gramy w szachy) …………………………………. . I think it is (nudne) ……………………… .
2. (Powodzenia) …………………………….. with your exam. I will keep my fingers crossed!
3. She is (najpiękniejszą panną młodą) …………………………………… I have ever seen.
4. Are they going to (założyć rodzinę) ………………………………… any time soon?
5. (Gratuluję) ………………………………….. passing your exam!
6. What’s (twoje nazwisko) ……………….………………..?
7. She has just come back home and (jest bardzo zreleksowana) ……………………………. .
8. (Czy mogę pożyczyć) ………………………………….. your tie?
9. Do you (chodzisz z) …………………………………... anybody?
10. I (lubię spędzać czas) ……………………………………… with my friends.
11. He is (taki przystojny) ………………………………….!
12. She is (taka zazdrosna o) ………………………………. her little sister that it’s hard to believe.
13. Can you (dać mi swój zegarek) ………………………………………..?
14. She is (taka miła i bystra) …………………………………………!

Przekształć zdania, tak aby znaczyły to samo. Pamiętaj, żeby wykorzystać podane obok słowo w niezmienionej formie. W każdą lukę wpisz maksymalnie 4 wyrazy.
1. I have a friendly relationship with my little brother.
I ……………………………………… my little brother.
2. She enjoys spending time with Jason and Betty.
She enojoys ………………………………….. Jason and Betty.
3. This car belongs to Jess.
This ……………………………………………. .
4. These books belong to Bart.
These …………………………………….. .

Odpowiedź :


1. We never play chess. I think it is quite boring.

2. Good luck on your exam. I will keep my fingers crossed!

3. She is the most beautiful young lady I have ever seen.

4. Are they planning to start a family any time soon?

5. Congratulations on passing your exam!

6. What is your surname/last name?

7. She has just come back home and is very relaxed.

8. Can I borrow your tie?

9. Are you dating anybody?

10. I like to spend time with my friends.

11. He is so handsome!

12. She is so jealous of her little sister that it's hard to believe.

13. Can you give me your watch?

14. She is so nice and smart!


1. I have a friendly relationship with my little brother.


I get along with my little brother.

2. She enjoys spending time with Jason and Betty.


She enjoys going out with Jason and Betty.

3. This car belongs to Jess.


This car is Jess's.

4. These books belong to Bart.


These books are Bart's.