
Opowiedz własnymi słowami w 10 zdaniach tekst o super bohaterach. (Po angielsku)


Superheroes Anonymous is a group of people in New York, who try to keep their communities safe.

Like all of the famous superheroes in films and comics the real identities of the members of Superheroes Anonymous are a secret. This group of real-life superheroes get together and fight crime on the streets. The group meeting looks like a fancy dress party. Men and women wear colourful costumes, masks and long black capes: But who are these superheroes?

Night Owl explains that these people are ordinary, but choose to lead extraordinary double lives, just like Batman, Spider-Man or Superman. Night Owl says he is an accountant in the day. He goes to work in a suit and tie and works 9-5. At night, he puts on his superhero costume and hangs out with his friends on the streets to fight crime. "We don't use our free time to surf the Net, watch TV or read novels, Night Owl says.

Not all of the members of Superheroes Anonymous fight crime. They also help people who need help. They give food and clothing to the homeless, or make sure that elderly people living alone are safe and warm.

Why do they do this? "I live to see the look on people's faces when I help them," explains Night Owl. "I feel like I'm walking on air afterwards." Night Owl deserves to feel proud. These heroes are excellent role models.​

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Superheroes Anonymous are a bunch of volunteers, who secretly work at night. They fight crime on the New York city streets. Just like superheroes in movies, they want to help the citizens of the city. One of the heroes, someone named Night Owl, explains that at night, he doesn't laze around. Instead, he goes out with his friends and fights crime. Other heroes don't fight, but help people get food or clothes. They wear fancy costumes, which makes them look like actual superheroes. By the way, they also live a casual life during daytime.


Jest siedem zdań, ale mam nadzieję, że wystarczy, bo nie mogłem wymyślić nic więcej. Tłumaczenie tego, co tu napisałem:

Superheroes Anonymous to grupa ochotników, którzy sekretnie pracują w nocy. Walczą z przestępstwami na ulicach Nowego Jorku. Zupełnie jak superbohaterowie w filmach, chcą pomóc mieszkańcom miasta. Jeden z bohaterów, o imieniu Night Owl (nocny marek), nie leniuchuje w nocy. Zamiast tego, wychodzi z przyjaciółmi i walczy z przestępstwami. Z kolei inni bohaterowie nie walczą, a pomagają ludziom zdobyć jedzenie czy ubrania. Noszą wymyślne kostiumy, co powoduje, że wyglądają jak faktyczni superbohaterowie. Swoją drogą, w dzień prowadzą też typowe życie.