
ZADANIE 14 / 10 Wlasnie wrócites/wrócitas
z wakacyjnego obozu w Anglii. Napisz do swojej
nauczycielki angielskiego list, w którym:
poinformujesz, na jakim obozie byles/bylas
i w jakim terminie,
wyrazisz swoją opinie na temat pobytu na
opiszesz ciekawą przygodę, która ci się
przydarzyła podczas wyjazdu.
Od 50 do 120 słów

Dear Ms Simons
I'm writing to tell you that I've just come back from a summer camp in England.

That's all for now. I hope to see you soon.

Odpowiedź :


I'm writing to tell you that I've just come back from a summer camp in England. This holiday I was at the sports camp. because I had to help my grandmother I was there at last week of vacation. Whole camp was great but morning getting up was only bad thing. At he camp I broke my arm. Luckily, a nurse was with us there.

That's all for now. See you at school.

Your student XYZ