
jedna opinia wybrać i uzasadnić dlaczego się z nią zgadzacie/ nie zgadzacie
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Proszę o pomoc to mi na jutro

Jedna Opinia Wybrać I Uzasadnić Dlaczego Się Z Nią Zgadzacie Nie Zgadzacie Zad A Proszę O Pomoc To Mi Na Jutro class=

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I agree that people who drink and drive should lose their driver's license for life, even if they did not cause an accident. The mere fact that they decided to drive while intoxicated shows that they are not responsible enough to be allowed on the road. The only reason they did not cause an accident was through pure luck and there is nothing stopping them from doing the same thing again. By prohibiting such a person from driving a car we are potentially saving a human life (perhaps even more than one).