Prosze o wykonanie zadania w zalacznika.

W tym zadaniu musimy uzupełnić drugie zdanie tak, żeby znaczyło to samo, co zdanie wyjściowe.
1. No matter how hard we tried, we could not get the car to start.
2. Lazio is bound to beat Milan.
3. He did nothing but complain for the whole journey.
4. "You'd better take an umbrella with you in case it rains," she said.
5. We hardly have any coffee left, so we'd better buy some more.
6. We decided not to go for a variety of reasons, at the very least because it was the hottest season.
7. Neither John nor Jane thought well of the film.
8. I'll lend you my bicycle as long as you promise to look after it.
9. She covered her face lest he sees her cry.
10. But for the rapid response of the fire services, our house would have burned to the ground.
11. I have no intention whatsoever handing my resignation.
12. I've yet to meet someone who likes her.
no matter - nieważne
bound to - zobowiązany do/musi
borrow - pożyczyć od kogoś
lend - pożyczyć komuś
neither...nor - ani...ani (w przeczeniach)
intention - zamiar
lest - ze strachu, że