
Hej! Potrzebuję waszej pomocy w zadaniu z języka angielskiego :)

Dotyczy ono trybów warunkowych.

Write an appropriate conditional sentence which illustrate the situation described.

1)He exceeded the speed limit; that’s why he got a fine.
2)He didn’t sleep well last night; that’s why he can't concentrate on his work.
3)I’m shortsighted; that’s why I can’t recognise the person who has just entered the room.
4)I may receive a better offer. I will not hesitate then.
5)He lost the receipt; that’s why he didn’t get a refund.
6)First, you must apologise. Then, he will forgive you.
7)She doesn’t have enough relevant experience; that’s why she wasn’t promoted to senior mamager.
8)I don’t understand this text myself, I can’t explain it to you.
9)He didn’t notice anything suspicious, so he didn’t call the police.
10)You’d better stop hanging out with friends and get down to work. Otherwise, you will run into serious trouble.

Przykładowo mam 6 zdanie dobrze:
6) If you apologise, he will forgive you.

z góry dziękuję! :)

Odpowiedź :



1. If he hadn't exceeded the speed limit, he wouldn't have got a fine. (III)

2. If he had slept well last night, he could concentrate on his work.  (mixed)

3. If I weren't shortsighted, I could recognise the person who has just entered the room. (II)

4. If I receive a better offer, I will not hesitate.  (I)

5. If he hadn't lost the receipt, he would have got a refund. (III)

6. If you apologise, he will forgive you.  (I)

7. If she had enough relevant experience, she would be promoted to senior manager. (II)

8. If I understood this text myself, I could explain it to you. (II)

9. If he had noticed something suspicious, he would have called the police. (III)

10. If you don't stop hanging out with friends and don't get down to work, you will run into serious trouble.   (I)

  • W zdaniu 2 jest mixed conditional - III + II

Mówimy o czynności, która została wykonana w przeszłości, ale ma widoczny wpływ na obecną sytuację.